Broker communications – Wildfire Season 2024

Broker communications – Wildfire Season 2024

Broker communications – Wildfire season 2024

As we are halfway through the summer, the Canadian wildfire season continues to pose significant challenges. With record-high temperatures and dry weather conditions, wildfires have significantly impacted wildlife and communities.

Communication is important to us, and as our business partners, we want to let you know that we are here for you. As the season develops, we are actively monitoring the wildfire situations across Canada. Our claims team at Specialty Claims Canada is prepared and readily available to assist with your claims needs.

Here’s what you need to know: 

  • If an emergency declaration is initiated in a certain defined area, and you are unable to reach impacted customers whose policy is soon to expire, we will hold covered on those live in-force policies as of when the declaration of emergency was made. If we are providing capacity at less than a 100% subscriber, note that this will only apply to our portion.
  • The “declaration” will be considered active until we advise otherwise, and a coverage extension will be read-in for those impacted customers, subject to the Declaration of Emergency Endorsement (DOE) and the in-force limits/coverage at the time the “declaration” initiated.
  • If we are providing following capacity on a domestic insurer who has enacted the DOE endorsement on impacted policies; rest assured that we will follow the lead.

Report a Claim During Business Hours:
Online: Report a Claim
By phone: 1-888-242-8090

Report a Claim After-Hours:
Phone: 1-855-535-0554

Key Claims Support Contacts:

Brent Lexier 
President, SCC

Lindsay Henn
Director, Claims

Em Kemshaw
Claims Manager

Should you have any further questions, please contact Denise Yeng, SPGC Head of Distribution at

As firefighters and emergency responders work tirelessly to control the blazes, we send our thoughts and prayers to those affected by the wildfires.


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